Part I: Colorado
December 2, 2022
Part III: Nevada & California
December 8, 2022“I count the sleepy cars
Slower and slower
I count those cars
Til my eyelids lower
Sleep train…
Running down that track
Ten sleepy cars going clikety
…. clack”
– Sleep Train
by: Johnathan London
Taking a sleeper car has been a bucket list item for me. I searched and searched routes, schedules, cities and stations to figure out the best option to get into Reno, Nevada on a sleeper car. That’s why I selected Grand Junction, Colorado to fly into.

After exploring for about 8 hours in Colorado, I raced from the canyon to the airport to turn in my Toyota Camry and catch an Uber to the Amtrak station. I was so excited, this was the next adventure on the docket, and what I was most excited about. I arrived at the Amtrak station to find a small waiting area, friendly staff and a few people waiting. The guy working let me know my car would likely be just to the right after I went out on the platform, and he was correct. Once we heard the whistle of the train coming into the station, I headed out the doors and over to my car where Janelle was waiting at the car door. She knew my name already and told me exactly where to go. Just board and turn to the left side she said, I was in roomette 14. I could not have been more excited!!!
The photo above is probably one of my favorites I took the entire trip. The Amtrak employee was so kind. He stood perfectly there in the door crack long enough for me to dig my camera out of my bag, dial my settings, and take one shot. I’m not big on “street photography” (the art of photographing strangers), but I couldn’t resist.

Just after boarding, Janelle came around to give me the train layout… which honestly, went in one ear and out the other…. I was sleeping downstairs, and the sleeping cars only connect upstairs, so I had to figure out which way to walk once up there. I walked though the upstairs of my car and passed into the dining car, through it, and on into the observation car. She let me know it was surprisingly empty if I wanted to check it out. I headed that way since I only had about an hour of daylight.
We rode through Ruby Canyon at sunset, following along the Colorado River… it was magical. The photos don’t do any of it justice. The canyons were overpowering, and intimidating, but beautiful. I may have pleaded with God to let the sun set as slow as possible so I could keep watching out the windows.

I don’t really have many photos of my sleeper car, because… well, it was tiny, and I didn’t have a wide enough lens to truly capture it. It was cozy, but perfect for just me. It would be tight to share with another adult for sure, but doable. Everyone else around me in roomettes were sharing with someone.
It basically had 2 large seats facing each other that folded flat into a bed. I also had a table that folded out from beneath the windows to work or eat at. It had a bunk folded up above me as well, which I was told to test out because it was supposedly more comfortable than the seats folded down. I did test it out, and I didn’t think it was more comfortable…. it also has no windows, which I wanted to be able to look out while I couldn’t sleep.
After the sun set in the observation car, I went back to my room to ride a bit before my 7PM dinner reservation. They called for dinner a little early, so I went on back up to the cafe car. I had dinner with one guy, Kev from New York. He was taking the train from NYC to California for his 30th birthday! The other guy was from England and was so funny. He was probably in his 60’s and he said his daughters were terrified he was taking this trip. All they knew of America was gangs, ha! Dinner was pretty good, steak, mashed potatoes, cheesecake, and cocktails.
With no wifi on the train, and little cell service, I found myself with time to edit. I’d shot a golf tournament the day before and breezed through their gallery in no time. Then I just sat and rode a while, hoping to catch a glimpse of something. It was so dark outside though, there wasn’t too much to see. I dozed off before we made it to Salt Lake City, the only fresh air stop on my leg of the trip. Overall, I didn’t sleep great. I also didn’t expect to sleep great… so it was alright.

I woke up about 530 and just sat in bed watching the sun come up. Once it was up, I headed to the shower. I decided it wasn’t worth trying to wash my hair because I hadn’t packed a hairdryer. The shower had a changing area, decent hot water, good pressure and plenty of towels. Overall, a good experience!
My roomette didn’t have a private bathroom, but I didn’t once have to fight for my turn to use the restroom or shower. The downstairs of my car had 4 roomettes, and one bedroom that all shared 2 bathrooms and 1 shower.
Breakfast was first come first serve, so after I got ready I headed back to the cafe car. Where I had breakfast again with Kev, and 2 other guys. One had got on in Salt Lake City and was riding to Seattle and the other was riding to California. I think he’d gotten on in Chicago. It’s worth noting, you only get access to meals IF you are in the sleeper cars. If you are riding coach, you can only get to the snack car. I never went to the snack car, I’d been in the one on The Carolinian here in NC, so I figured it was similar.
Amtrak is notorious for running a little behind, so I made it to Reno about an hour later than scheduled, which was completely fine with me. I didn’t want to get off! The ride absolutely lived up to my expectations and I will be doing it again.
I caught an Uber to the car rental… and was off again….