Baby | Mary Watson 4 Months
March 28, 2017Personal | Nursery
April 4, 2017Happy 20 weeks (tomorrow) baby Horton! We are half way there!
To say we were excited to find out what baby Horton is, is a massive understatement. I sat on pins and needles as we waited for that coveted 18 week appointment…. which got made for 18.5 weeks (I could have come across the counter at the receptionist and been like, DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THAT IS FROM NOW?!? When she made the appointment following our 16 week visit). When we first found out we were pregnant, I told Jeremy… prepare to do ALL THE THINGS… I want a gender reveal party, maternity photos… the WORKS. However, when it came down to doing a true gender reveal party, I couldn’t hold out. I had to know what this baby is, and now! With our family 2 hours away and the appointment on a Tuesday, there was no way we’d gather them up to tell them in one place.
I would say 99% of everyone we encountered have guessed girl. I always dreamed it was a girl from very early on… never once did I suspect otherwise. But about week 16, it dawned on me…. this baby *could* be a boy…. I’d be so up the creek without a paddle if so… I already had visions of what the nursery was going to look like, what fabric I’d use on the window treatments…. and then I was like oh crap, this kid could be a boy!
We sat in the waiting room at the doctors office to wait for the nurse to take us back to the ultrasound room. We walked it and got situated. The tech asked if we wanted to know, and we said yes. She of course did her due diligence to inform us that nothing is 100% until the baby is born… duh, get on with it!! She started the ultrasound, and told us we would go over all baby’s functions and then try and check for gender. As I laid there and watched this sweet potato sized human wriggle about on a black and white screen, I got lost… forgetting a about the gender. And then she piped up about looking for it….. oh right, the super exciting part! Is this baby a girl or boy?!
Fairly quickly she pointed out three little lines… indicating it’s a GIRL! My reaction was probably less than enthusiastic as normal first time moms… I was basically like, yeah, well, what else could it have been?! I was already so convinced it was a girl.
We celebrated the same way we did following our 8 week appointment, with breakfast at Cafe 100. Jeremy really thought I might just take the whole day off work and go shop for all the cute clothes I had avoided buying until now… but I restrained myself. I did hit up two stores on the way home that night… Marshalls and Children’s Orchard (a great consignment shop in Huntersville). I came home with a handful of goodies, even a pint-sized Carolina Panther’s cheer-leading uniform for her first football season!
We have a few names on a short list that we like… and her middle name is already picked. We’re still mulling it over the first, but I have a front-runner. Yes, we’ll spill those beans once we decide.
How’s pregnancy? Dandy. I can’t really complain! I’m still shoveling grapes down my throat any chance I get though. I’m keeping the vineyards in business.
I’ve officially outgrown my pants. Although today, I have ghetto rigged my favorite skinny jeans with a hair tie… while standing…. that ish is completely undone while sitting 🙂 Thankfully, my style tends to be oversized tops, so I’m still wearing quite a few of those. I’ve added a few new pieces to my wardrobe, but I have zero intentions of going nuts on maternity wear… I’d rather buy cute things for this little girl now! And, thank God for warm weather… I’m excited to live in mostly dresses from now on!
Cheers to all the mini Lilly Pulitzer, pink ruffles, Jack Rogers sandals, and smocked dresses I can stuff in her closet! She’s going to need a serious closet organizing system…. hmmm, can I register for that?! HA!