February 21, 2012
Have you jumped on the Pinterest bandwaggon? Do you love it or not understand it? I’m here to help! Pinterest is a fabulous tool for organizing all those neat things you find while surfing the web. I find it so helpful for organizing my ideas for wardrobe looks (both for myself AND clients!), I love pinning ideas for the beach house we hope to build, and lots of yummy receipies! I especially love it because I am still working a day job, so while on my work laptop if I find something I want to save, I don’t have to worry about saving it to my hard drive! It’s also become a great tool for sharing ideas. One of my brides has let me join in on pinning images for her wedding, it’s a great way for me to share my vision with her, and her to share ideas with the rest of us. It’s really awesome to have a clear vision of what a wedding will look like before we show up to shoot it…. I always tell our clients, the more we know about your wedding day, the better we can serve you. I can’t imagine a more concise way to share your wedding vision than through Pinterest! If you aren’t already on, and need an “invite” let me know!! I’ll be glad to invite you 🙂