I'm guessing you found me because you like my photographs. Yay!!
You may not know why you like them... what you're drawn to about them?
I'll give you one possible answer. Film.
Yep. Do you remember walking the drugstore or Walmart aisles when you were a kid (speaking to us Millennials and older!) and you carefully selected the box with the sunshine, cloud or light bulb? You had to select which one you were going to use based on the conditions you would be photographing in. You took it home, unsealed the canister, wound it in the back of your camera and off you went making memories.
The loud wind of the spool when you hit the 24th or 36th frame jolted you.... damn. You were out of film. That meant your tangible memories were done for the day, or you needed to reach for a new roll. Once your adventures finished, you either grabbed a pre-labled envelope and shipped them off to the Kodak lab or dropped them off at a local developing stand. (those both still exist by the way!) and you waited.
Then, the date came on that little slip of paper ripped from the envelope you dropped them off in, the lab called OR my experience as a child.... the prints arrived in the mail! It might as well have been Christmas morning, your film was developed and prints were ready!!
I conjure those memories to let you know film still exists, and it's glorious. As a child and student, I only knew of 35mm canisters of film, but once I started shooting professionally, the world of medium format film opened to me. I started dabbling with a Bronica ERTS camera and fell in love. Unfortunately, it just was not reliable enough, so I moved on to a Pentax 645ii and it was love at first development scan email day (yes, film gets scanned in and emailed to me!)
I conjure those memories to let you know film still exists, and it's glorious. As a child and student, I only knew of 35mm canisters of film, but once I started shooting professionally, the world of medium format film opened to me. I started dabbling with a Bronica ERTS camera and fell in love. Unfortunately, it just was not reliable enough, so I moved on to a Pentax 645ii and it was love at first development scan email day (yes, film gets scanned in and emailed to me!)
Why shoot film in the time of here and now... we want everything instantly, right? Yes... however, in all my years of shooting I have yet to find a digital camera that provides me the same result as film. This is especially true for babies. Baby skin can be hard to edit, splotchy, red... and film just covers it like whipped butter and evens out the color in a way I just cannot recreate with my Nikon.The way film handles light is just unmatched. Where digital will lose the highlights, film retains them. This is really important to me when shooting on the beach with no shade! I also just love the process of shooting film. It forces my creativity in a calculated way. Each roll only has 16 chances to freeze time, so I have to be very intentional on how I use those 16 frames. In short, I love the color, the way it handles light, the process of shooting and how it makes me a very intentional photographer. Film is finite, physical and produces Christmas morning endorphins (well, it does for me!)
Why shoot film in the time of here and now... we want everything instantly, right? Yes... however, in all my years of shooting I have yet to find a digital camera that provides me the same result as film. This is especially true for babies. Baby skin can be hard to edit, splotchy, red... and film just covers it like whipped butter and evens out the color in a way I just cannot recreate with my Nikon.The way film handles light is just unmatched. Where digital will lose the highlights, film retains them. This is really important to me when shooting on the beach with no shade! I also just love the process of shooting film. It forces my creativity in a calculated way. Each roll only has 16 chances to freeze time, so I have to be very intentional on how I use those 16 frames. In short, I love the color, the way it handles light, the process of shooting and how it makes me a very intentional photographer. Film is finite, physical and produces Christmas morning endorphins (well, it does for me!)

Not only is it finite, it's also expensive. It costs anywhere from $7-$10 per roll to purchase and then another $16-$19 to develop... plus shipping to the lab I use in Alabama (complete with extra insurance!) So, when you notice that my prices aren't cheap, know that much of that is going towards film purchasing and processing. I shoot 3-4 rolls at a typical session, and that adds up fast! My typical lab bill is ~$100+ per session The more poses or people I have to photograph, the more film I have to use, thus, the more I have to charge. It is not uncommon for me to use 5+ rolls at extended family shoots.

Film Gear: Pentax 645nii (x2) and a Nikon F100