January 5, 2010
This was our new niece’s first Christmas! Her mommy asked me to take a few photos of her after the festivities were over 🙂
January 3, 2010
Here are a few of the photos taken at Jeremy’s parents on Christmas evening 🙂 We were all hungry from eating Christmas breakfast early, and having to wait for dinner to be ready…. solution? Summer sausage, cheese, mustard, crackers and jam! MMMM! Then, it was time for presents! Why is this wrapped with duct tape?? Polar bears? They are going to make me wear polar bears?!?! Oh no, it’s worse, they are going to make me wear deer!!! 🙂
December 29, 2009
I feel incredibly blessed that mine and Jeremy’s families live about 20 minuets apart… we don’t have to travel hours to see everyone, which is fantastic! We spent Christmas morning with my family, eating breakfast and opening gifts. Then, we headed over to his parents house for dinner and more gifts! Here’s a few from my dad’s house!